Clothing at swinger clubs

What exactly do people wear at swingers clubs? I’m sure it is something sexy, but the details that I need to know are do you bring the sexy clothes and change there, or it’s already underneath regular clothes that will come off when it is time to play?

Dress to impress is the typical guideline you’ll hear a lot. And there is a lot of truth to that.

That being said, the last club we went to was on a Mardi Gras theme night, but an extraordinary amount of people were wearing blue jeans. To me, that is dressing down but perhaps it was because Mardi Gras could be considered a street clothes type thing. 

Another club I went to wasn’t the type of place you’d wear blue jeans to. 

To be safe I’d dress nicer. As for “play clothing” some people change at the club and some just wear their stuff to the club. We’ve always simply worn our stuff to the club and hurried across the parking lots.

And as far as play clothing goes, I’ve seen all kinds of that as well. I’ve even seen people wearing next to nothing on the dance floor.

The club environment usually allows all sorts of varied dress. Its best to take a variety of things to change into. Mrs. Fun usually takes, well… Luggage 

If you are not interested in playing the first time there. I don’t know about bra and panties.

Your wife should feel comfortable what she chooses to wear but, this might bring on unwanted advances if you are not wanting to hook up the first time in.

Do some checking with the search feature and see what ya think before hand. Most clubs we have been to have a private changing area, the temperature varies from cold to hot. Its winter here in our area, I like the idea of bra and panties under an overcoat. But for now we are dressing like Nanook of the North on the way to the club.

It’s going to depend a lot on the club and where it is held. Most clubs you are going to want to wear acceptable street clothes at least until you get inside then once you are in you can wear pretty much whatever you want UNLESS….

if it is an off-premise social at a hotel you’ll probably need to stay in clothing that is acceptable to the public. Unfortunately, most of the time with these socials you have to walk out of the social room and into public areas to visit the rest-rooms. Just check with your club and find out what is acceptable.